Thursday, January 7, 2010

Lights off

Its kinda dark
No, I'm not afraid
Everything is unclear
Thoughts are full with doubt

Please take my hand and give me the light
Then, we figure out how to escape
Flashlight, candles, or everything
Finally we turn on the light together


#in 2010

1. les piano lagi. (gw udah setahun cuti les piano padahal mau ujian naik level)
2. dapet IP diatas 3,3
3. go green! (yap! gw sudah berusaha setiap tahun :D)
4. bisnis baru ( hmm katanya nyokap gw mau ngasih gw modal buat bisnis tp gw masih bingung sama konsepnya.)
5. memperdalam hobi fotografi
6. rajin solat subuh kalo lagi liburan (ntah kenapa kalo liburan gw gabisa bangun pagi D:)
7. nonton Kings of Convenience!!!!!
8. nabung buat nonton film2 bagus
9. ga akan lagi beli goreng2an di kopma abis kuliah
10. menyukseskan semua resolusi gw dari no 1 sampai 9!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Gw kesel banget sama diri gw sendiri kalo abis beli dvd di stasiun ui. Kenapa setiap gw beli dvd disana gw mempunyai excitement yang luar biasa daripada kalo ke ambas. Apa karena gw stress abis kuliah? gw gatau. Tapi gw kesel karena biasanya gw beli sekitar 5 dvd nah begitu sampe rumah cuman 2 yang bisa gw tonton. Kenapaaa? karena disana abang2nya ga ada tv buat nyoba dvdnya! Sebenernya sih gw gapapa wajar lah di stasiun gitu. Tapi, akhir-akhir ini gw baru sadar kalo koleksi dvd gw jadi dobel-dobel! Menuhin laci gw! Kamar gw jadi tambah berantakan! Trus gw jadi bingung ada dvd-dvd gw yang ilang juga karena gw lupa naro dimana. Dvd gw banyak yang dobel karena gw selalu beli judul yang sama karena dvd yang dibeli di stasiun ga bisa diputer huhuhu. Padahal temen-temen gw kalo beli dvd di stasiun kayaknya skut-skut aja. Apa gw yang kebanyakan dapet bad luck yah? -__- dan sekarang ini gw lagi pengen banget nonton dvd "my sister's keeper" dan gw udah punya dua dvdnya yang satu yg gagal yang satu lagi yang bisa di play TAPI.GW.LUPA.TARO.DIMANA! ARGH.GW.KESEL!!!!

Sekarang gw memutuskan untuk kembali ke aktivitas awal aja. (Baca novel)


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hands Are Cold

Hello there...someone whose heart is afraid about hurting someone else's.

You know, I suppose not to write a kinda stupid confession like this. I hope you won't find this as well. Urmm, how are you? it's been a long time since we were not talking anymore. I know you're currently happy with your life and found someone new (maybe)...just guessing. Is it right? I've told you that I also have someone who were pursuing me but I guess we couldn't stay long. Have you ever realized sometimes I ignored him because of you? Do you know that I didn't want to hurt him but unfortunately it was happened because of you? Yes I'm a foolish. I shouldn't do nice things to you. Maybe all I can do is just crying and telling everyone that I'm jealous. No! I'm not! Errr... Yes I do, just a lil bit. Why I never be able to forget you? It's been years and I should have someone new ryt now. When I hadn't know you yet my life was far from some broken heart thingy. So, I got confused when my friend just crying in front of me 'cause she had a prob with a guy. But now its all gloomy and I just act like my friend. Being gloomy and having a such a hard time everyday. Effy! I really don't like this! Maybe you won't care about what I'm telling you right now. I don't care too. I was too happy about every lil things you did before and this feeling is somehow unhealthy 'cause I know you don't really want me anymore. Then, I decide to stay away and move on.

Sorry for the long and confusing paragraph. I hope you will understand.

Thanks for everything.

Oh, This Isn't Lovely

Today, I woke up and then my mom asked me to go to a therapist at a random place in Bekasi. I didn't know where it was actually. I just refused her at first but she insisted then, I jumped into the car directly without taking a shower haha. As we got there all I see was many old men and ladies who queued up to be healed by a therapist. I thought this was ridiculous I'd never been to a place like this before. Suddenly I asked my mom why she insists me to go w/ her, and she said "I just wanna know whether that the therapist could heal your zits problem or not!" *grrrr*. Okay I just sat and suddenly someone called my name and he captured a photo of my eyes. The therapist analyzed my eyes for a second and told that I have some gastric probs instead of the zits problem and its because I drink coffee too much!
He said "Your daughter should stop drinking coffee"


Oh no! my mind couldn't stop thinking...

How could I stay awake when I have to make some effin tasks!
How could I feel relieve when I feel broken if I don't drink coffee!

You might think that I was overreacted but that's the truth.
'Cause at this time I feel very broken. I'm a heavy coffee drinker since I was on college. I could drink 2 cups of coffee every day when I faced the finals. Geeez I hate this.

Friday, January 1, 2010


Since now is the 1st day 0f 2010 I thought that its a lil bit too late to write down what was happened on my life in 2009. Many things happened in 2009 and some of'em made a huge change for my self so I won't forget it tho.

Urmm.. Let's begin from the 1 st month in 2009.

I was busy with SIMAK-UI preparation, went to BTA 45 everyday, felt so dissapointed about all the try out results. Oya, this was the last time I had braces on my teeth :(

The hysteria of that fuckin test was getting higher, I suddenly got confuse with almost all of my friends that turned out to be a diligent one and I thought that this was the real learning process I ever had at school haha.

I joined SIMAK UI and felt so pesimistic during the test. You know, I'm not good at counting numbers so I just solved 2 problems from 20 numbers given at math. Fortunately I did the Bahasa and English very well, I could answer all the problems. For the social knowledge part I felt I was be able to answer it too. The stupid thing, I was crying when I got home because the test made my head a kinda blew up.

I got a BIG surprise from God :) Alhamdulillah... I passed the test and accepted at Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia!

This was the highest point of my life :) I felt so happy because I could make my parents happy because of my own effort. FHUI was my first choice on simak, so I could take a long rest and prepared for UAN.

Revenge!!!!!!!!!! After all the torture I had at the first 3 effin-boring months that made me stressed and zitsy! Finally I went to Jamiruquai concert at Sentul with one of my closest friends Febri :DD This concert was definitely cool! I've waited for them to come since I was in Junior High School!

The last month I studied at Labschool.


Labschool's prom party at Balai Kartini.

Labschool Jakarta Senior High School Graduation Ceremony.

Effin long holiday!

Started to make money! Quality time w/ my bestfrieeeends <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">

Last moment w/ Tim Horeee!

Then the brand new life began.

First day of FHUI's orientation. FHUI's Inauguration Rehearsal.

This month was like hell. The orientation hadn't finish yet and I was so busy about some freshmen thingy.

Turned 18. Nothing special.

Went to Bandung and had a lil reunion with some friends there.

Had my first semester finals at the college stage. Went to Bali with the whole family! :DD

Happy New Year 2010

Hello 2010!
Wow this is the 1st day of 2010 and I feel nothing.
But for all of you who had a great NYE last night HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010 GUYS!!!