Friday, September 25, 2009


Kenapa ya gw ngerasa akhir-akhir ini gw kaya ga punya tujuan hidup?

Dulu pas gw kelas 3 SMA mungkin gw termasuk one of person yang slalu bikin schedule, always know what to do next, slalu punya target dan everything that i wanna do on my life is always listed! Mungkin itu dulu karena gw punya mimpi.. ya emang gw waktu itu mau masuk UI, i was obssesed.

Sekarang kenapa gw ngerasa hidup gw jadi upside down gini. Gw suka gatau apa yang mau gw lakuin padahal gw bikin list juga kaya dulu, gw jadi suka nunda2 tugas gw sampe numpuk, gw jadi lebih sensitif, gw suka marah-marah sendiri without any significant reasons. Bawaan gw cuma pengen hedon, ke mall, belanja, hangout with some friends, my eyes are easily blink w/ something that actually nonsense kalo gw lakuin. Di rumah kadang gw jadi lebih suka kesel kalo disuruh ngapa2in sm nyokap.

Honestly, i know that i should be grateful that i've reach my dream. Gw skarang kuliah di tempat yang gw mau, gw punya temen2 baik, gw ga pernah facing family problems, dan hidup gw itu sort of normal2 dan datar2 aja. Apa ini gara-gara hidup gw yang terlalu datar? Hmm i don't see anything from that. Yang jelas i need to have a dream once more! Please help me...

Friday, September 18, 2009

Recht School

Hello, i've been very buzy this last 2 months. Having my new life at FHUI, participated on the faculty orientation that was berry tiring and sometimes made me a kinda pissed off :p (no offense!) because now i know all the good things behind the mission and now i've to deal with some of holiday-disturbing assignments from my lecture!! Oh my god i really need some refreshment!

Fortunately today is the first day of lebaran holiday, i feel so happy that i can wake up at 10 am lol :) because few weeks ago i used to sleep only about 4 or 5 hours a day. I just have 10 days before the college life starts again and i've already took some plans for each day! Yaaay...

About my life at college, i've taken some picts since the first day of campus-ing! Feel free to see guys..

wearing the yellow jacket for the first time, i felt very proud about it lol lol lol

our inauguration's rehearsal

the inauguration, performing the ngibing dance (actually i don't like to see my self on this pict -_-)

breathe easily guys! we did it! the inauguration is done..

Well as you can see, those activities can split me out with my old life, but i don't really mind because i found many new friends that fit me in and i really love the new circle. Oh my god, its going late now, igt work on my assignment, some essays are waiting to be written! bye guys..

Sunday, September 13, 2009

wish me luck!

today, i'll attend liga tari's audition!

wish me luck everyooone :D